A Distant Encounter


A Distant Encounter - © Clément Lambelet


A Distant Encounter is based on a Youtube video. We see a camera looking through a sniper’s telescope. A farmer is in the center of the viewfinder. This video is slowed down in order to increase the tension.

A mise en abime of gazes happens, between the reflection of the camera in the telescope and the farmer’s look at the end of the video.


A Distant Encounter is part of the installation Collateral Visions which explores human singularity inside algorithmic and computer visions.


  1. 2018
    1. Prix Photoforum 2018,

      Photoforum Pasquart, Biel, CH,

      02/12 – 13/01

    2. Foam Talent 2017,

      Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, DE,

      24/05 – 26/08

    3. Foam Talent 2017,

      Red Hook Labs, New-York City, USA,

      22/03 – 08/04

  2. 2017
    1. Foam Talent 2017,

      Les Atelier Néerlandais, Paris, FR,

      09/11 – 12/11

    2. Foam Talent 2017,

      Foam Museum, Amsterdam, NL,

      01/09 – 12/11

    3. Swiss Design Awards 2017,

      Halle 3, Basel, CH,

      13/06 – 18/06

    4. Watched! Surveillance, Art & Photography,

      C/O Berlin, DE,

      18/02 – 23/04

  3. 2016
    1. Diplomas Exhibition 2016,

      ECAL, Renens, CH,

      30/09 – 14/10

© Clément Lambelet / ECAL