
Still comes from a video found on Youtube. It was cropped then strongly slowed down. We see a group of Cypress in the center of the image that is slowly covered by a cloud of dust.
The cloud in the video Still comes from Syria, a war zone where Western technologies reign supreme. This video, through its romantic aesthetic inspiration, resonates as a warning of future concerns about control technologies.
Still is part of the installation Collateral Visions which explores human singularity inside algorithmic and computer visions.
- 2018
Prix Photoforum 2018,
Photoforum Pasquart, Biel, CH,
02/12 – 13/01
Foam Talent 2017,
Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, DE,
24/05 – 26/08
Foam Talent 2017,
Red Hook Labs, New-York City, USA,
22/03 – 08/04
- 2017
Foam Talent 2017,
Les Atelier Néerlandais, Paris, FR,
09/11 – 12/11
Foam Talent 2017,
Foam Museum, Amsterdam, NL,
01/09 – 12/11
Swiss Design Awards 2017,
Halle 3, Basel, CH,
13/06 – 18/06
Ciels, Villa Dutoit,
Geneva, CH,
05/05 – 21/05
Watched! Surveillance, Art & Photography,
C/O Berlin, DE,
18/02 – 23/04
- 2016
Diplomas Exhibition 2016,
ECAL, Renens, CH,
30/09 – 14/10
© Clément Lambelet / ECAL